- The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Dik Doank: National Evocation of Non Merely Symbol

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Indonesian Actress Popular. Jakarta - Today just with the commemoration 100 year of National Evocation. Dik Doank remending of so that to be this momentum non merely merely symbol " Our is spirit of equal to commemorate 100 year of National Evocation. This non merely just just device and symbol," Dik talk in Building ESQ, Walke The TB Simatupang, Jakarta South arch, Tuesday (20/5/2008).

complete Name owner of Raden Rizki Mulyawan Kertanegara Hayang Fine this Kusuma surprise why a lot of more state go forward than Indonesia. Though, Indonesia independence in advance " Progress there is, but the resignment of also a lot of. I surprise why other;dissimilar state more go forward. For me fifth principle of Five Principles, once Islam. But, in reality oppositely;also a lot of no justice," say of birth artist this 21 September 1968.(one)

Sandra Dewi, Chooses Work

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Indonesian Actress Popular. Jakarta - Sandra Dewi start popular since sharing in film of Quickie Express. Society do not willing to be saturated see its face, Sandra select;choose the job " I select;choose in accepting work. Have to as according to brain and liver. I nope is promiscuously accepted," say Sandra in Pacific Ballroom Ritz Carlton, SCBD,
Jakarta South arch, Monday (19/5/2008) Consequence from selecting that job, there is time of Sandra not work. Like this month; moon, Sandra take a rest the syuting " clear, I select;choose and nope each;every moment take all bargain. If now again stir the promo product, I nope accept the bargain sinetron. So also on the contrary," virgin of this origin Bangka Belitung.

Poem Recall the Sophan Sophian

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Indonesian Actress Popular. Departure of Sophan Sophian leave over the circumstantial memory for friend of pencinta of motor gede which merged into by a Red Band team Turn white. They create the poem for the Sophan of Poem entitle the Red Band Turn white the Nationalism and that National seen in black colour frame with the pictorial background of compact Sophan Sophian and Widyawati impose the red jacket. Both berboncengan is above motor of Harley Davidson Poem delivered by a Red Band Committee Chief Turn White The Admiral Madya (Purn) Mualimin Santoso to Governor of DKI Fauzi Bowo in City Hall, Jakarta, Tuesday ( 20/5/2008)

In the following is Red Band poem content Turn white the Nationalism and National:

Aku yang berterbangan di antara debu menyatu dengan dera di tengah terik yang menggigit. Di antara dera-deru ku jalin rangkaian mengusung Merah-Putih.

Meski ada taburan cemooh di sepanjang perjalanan ini, bukan halangan namun bagian dari sebuah perjuangan.

Aku bersama saudara-saudara ku Jalur Merah Putih, aku pekikkan kata merdeka. Di tengah lagu kebangsaan aku kepalkan tangan yang dipenuhi semangat kebangsaan merah putih.

Jalur ini harus sampai tujuan sebagai landasan nasionalisme kebangsaan meski nyawa jadi taruhan. - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes